A player was able to earn a match victory in Apex Legends in less than a minute, thanks to a very odd glitch flaring up in the game.

How long a match can take to complete in Apex Legends often depends on several factors, such as the type and skill level of players in the game, where the Circles are on the map, and more.

While some matches can wrap up quicker than others, it would be unexpected to see a full game end in less than 10 minutes, let alone less than a single minute.

However, that was exactly what happened to Reddit user ‘MrE011,’ who got credited with a victory 49 seconds after loading into a Duos match.

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They did not have to go through an entire lobby of enemy teams, which would have been an impossible feat to accomplish in that amount of time. Instead, due to a bug, there were only two teams in the lobby, one of them being the player.

49 second win! Weird glitch. Excuse the one sided commentary! from apexlegends

The gameplay footage above starts with the player flying down from the initial Dropship, with the top left player-count indicator showing that there were only two teams left alive on the map.

The player then descended into Refinery and began looting when suddenly the match stopped and the victory animation covered the screen: “You are the CHAMPION!”

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Following that, the match summary popped up on the screen, confirming that the team had placed first with no kills, damage dealt, revives given, or respawns given, and a grand total survival time of 49 seconds.

Throughout the whole sequence, the incredulous player was stuck between confusion and laughter at what they were seeing: “Wait, what? It didn’t log me in. Yo, what the f**k happened? Oh, we are the champions. Why? What did we do?”

Respawn EntertainmentA glitch handed a match victory to an Apex Player who had only 49 seconds of survival time.

While what happened was obviously the result of something in the game going wrong, it’s not exactly clear what happened to the other team in that match, if there was even one.

Regardless, at the end of the day, the player will gladly take the victory and add it to their stats, knowing full well that they would never get another chance at such an easy and quick win.

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As for the Duos limited-time mode, there is only a short period of time for players to enjoy it in Apex Legends, as Respawn will be taking it back out on November 19.
