Apex Legends fans have noticed the bolt-action Sentinel sniper rifle’s recharge timer is broken, and it’s making players go crazy.

There’s a lot of content in Apex Legends, and sometimes the devs can overlook certain aspects of the game – which leads to bugs, exploits, and a lot of balancing changes needed.

While it’s not completely game-breaking, Apex Legends players have noticed that the popular and unique bolt-action Sentinel sniper rifle’s recharge timer is broken – and it’s seriously confusing.

The Sentinel sniper rifle was introduced to Apex Legends in Season 4.

A Reddit thread from Apex Legends player dj_b2 on January 2 first pointed out that the Sentinel charge timer is broken, and pleaded to the devs to fix it.

The unique rifle has a recharge time of five seconds, which has a countdown in the bottom right corner when recharging. However, as demonstrated in dj_b2’s video, it takes more time after it reaches zero to charge properly.

“Can they fix the Sentinel charge soon,” dj_b2 asked. “Why even have a timer if it takes more time after it reaches 0 and the bar has been filled?”

Other Apex Legends fans seemed to have noticed it themselves as well and were relieved to find out they weren’t going crazy. “I really thought I was just an idiot. Glad I’m not going crazy here,” said one player.

It seems the Sentinel rifle isn’t the only weapon to have the issue, as the Rampage LMG supposedly has the same problem.

“Same thing happening with the rampage, that sh*t is annoying as hell,” claimed one player. However, the Rampage timer issues aren’t as noticeable as the Sentinel according to mikah42106: “Rampage is much less noticeable thankfully, but still bothersome.”

With multiple complaints from players, it’s likely that the Respawn devs will investigate and look to fix the timer issues.
