Lifeline is a staple of most team comps in Apex Legends, so master how you can save the day as the adorable Combat Medic, and you’ll be everyone’s favorite teammate.

Despite some Season 9 changes, Lifeline continues to be a popular pick in both the Arena and Battle Royale. The Combat Medic boasts excellent survivability and can give her squad the lifesaving heals they need to keep fighting. 

Lifeline’s ultimate can also prove incredibly useful for grabbing some powerful attachments, consumables, and gear. Combine this with her defensive passive and heal drone and you have a recipe for all-out success. This Legend may be one of the game’s older characters, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few tips and tricks you can use to increase your win rate. 

How to make use of Lifeline’s abilities

Passive: Combat Revive

Lifeline’s Combat Revive can make or break a fight.

Lifeline’s Combat Revive enables her to Deploy D.O.C to revive teammates. Unlike the game’s standard revives, the medical drone can revive two characters at once, thanks to a reword in Season 9. Unfortunately, her res shield has been removed as a tradeoff. However, active revives can now be canceled if the enemy decides to rain hell on your allies, allowing them to use their knockdown shield instead.

Not only does D.O.C enable her to continue fighting her downed teammate’s opponent, but it can also help keep any allies succumbing to a bullet-ridden death. 

Tactical: D.O.C. Heal Drone

Lifeline’s drone can quickly get her allies back on their feet.

Lifeline is all about her healing capabilities and D.O.C. Heal Drone does just that. When activated, Lifeline will send out her drone which will hover in the air and heal all players within three meters. Season 9 saw the drone’s deployment time cut down by almost 33%, as well as a huge boost in healing from 5HP to 8HP per second.

Try to save the Drone when you need to quickly recover any downed teammates’ health or when you’re trying to avoid lengthy Med Kit animations. A well-placed Drone can save your squad and give them the lifesaving heals they need to continue fighting. 

Ultimate: Care Package

Who needs floor loot when you have Lifeline’s Care Package?

Once charged, Lifeline can call in a drop pod to a designated location. The Care Package has three item slots and which can feature high-quality attachments, consumables, and gear. While they don’t drop any Legendary weapons, these Care Packages are guaranteed to provide an upgrade to either your Body Shield, Other Equipment (Helmet, Backpack, and Knockdown Shield), or Weapon Attachment.

Consider using any Ultimate Accelerants you find to help speed up the 5-minute cooldown. This is particularly useful in the early game where having purple armor can greatly increase your chances of winning firefights. 

Lifeline tips and tricks

1. Position yourself before reviving

Making sure your teammates are safe is your top priority as Lifeline.

If you wish to really aggravate your enemies and save your squad in the process, then make sure you take full advantage of Lifeline’s passive.  Despite no longer deploying the shield, her Combat Revive is one of the most potent abilities in the entire game as it can singlehandedly sway even the most brutal firefights in your favor. 

Make sure you tell your downed ally to crawl into a safe spot so that you D.O.C can set about resing them. If you’ve got two fallen teammates, try to make sure you pick an area where both are protected. Laying down some covering fire can help with that.


2. Use your Care Package as bait

Most enemy squads can’t resist the prospect of free loot.

While you’ll want to use Lifeline’s ultimate to kit your team out with high-quality gear in the early stages of the game, its overall use greatly diminishes in the late game. After all, you’ll most likely have decent equipment if you’ve been looting in Kings Canyon’s best landing spots

Fortunately, Lifeline’s Care Package can still come in handy if you’re willing to get a little creative. Being able to get your hands on free gear is incredibly enticing and most Apex squads will always want to replenish their inventory (especially considering it’s now guaranteed to be good). As a result, try to lure out any enemies by placing down your Care Package in areas where you believe squads could be lurking. 


Once you’ve picked a decent location, simply call in your ult and wait for any players to stray into the area. When your foes begin to loot from the Care Package, simply throw down any aerial bombardments and rain down gunfire to claim some easy kills.

3. Save your D.O.C. Heal Drone

Lifeline’s healing drone can give your squad the edge they need.

While it can be incredibly addictive to send out your Drone as soon as anyone on your team so much as takes a scrape, Lifeline’s tactical is often best saved for the fiercest of firefights. There’s nothing worse than having your entire team needing heals, only to find that you have to wait another 45 seconds before the drone is off cooldown. 

The Heal Drone really comes into its own when you need to get a downed teammate back into the fight. This is particularly important in late-game skirmishes where a downed ally can quickly result in a frustrating loss. 

4. Best Legends to team up with Lifeline

Gibraltar’s dome shield can make reviving downed allies even easier.

Due to Lifeline’s well-rounded abilities and overall utility, this Legend works well in every team comp. However, there are a few Legends that make Lifeline’s death-defying heals even more potent. Gibraltar is arguably the most impactful pick as, not only does his dome shield provide even more protection, it also speeds reduces the time of all consumable items. 

Next up is Wraith. This shadowy Legend can use her ult to funnel downed opponents away from the front lines and into safety where Lifeline can use her abilities to quickly get them back into shape. Lastly, Wattson‘s electrical fences and defensive playstyle can also make countering Lifelines heals incredibly difficult, particularly when you’re set up in a secure position. 

If you follow these Lifleline tips & tricks, you’ll be able to save many a life and even grab a few wins in the process. Make sure you follow @TitanfallBlog for all the latest Apex Legends news and updates.
