Apex Legends star Phillip ‘ImperialHal’ Dosen has once again hit out at the battle royale’s anti-cheat system as cheating continues to be prominent. 

Just like other multiplayer games, Apex Legends has had its fair share of problems with hackers using cheats – though, Respawn Entertainment has made some big moves to try and wipe them out entirely.

When the battle royale first launched, cheaters were mostly using wallhacks and god mode, but they have evolved since then. It’s not uncommon to run into someone using an aimbot in Apex, especially in Ranked Leagues.

It has been a bugbear for players at the highest level of the game, including TSM’s ImperialHal, who has previously been left stunned by some of the newer cheats being used by hackers. Now, he’s hit out at hackers running rife at the top level again.

Plenty of Apex Legends players have been using cheats to gain the upper hand over their opponents.

The TSM took aim at the state of cheating in the battle royale on November 8, blasting the game’s anti-cheat system and how players are able to get away with hacking, even in competitive tournaments.

“Apex Legends anti-cheat is probably the worst out of any game I’ve played. Constant hacked accounts getting to Pred and even people CHEATING IN TOURNEYS. What a game we play,” he tweeted. “Games been out for over 2 years and we still have people cheating in major tourneys and high rank lmfao.”

Some fans agreed with Hal’s assessment, claiming that “every game” has been hit by an influx of cheaters lately. Though, some urged him to try out Call of Duty: Warzone and see how things are going over there.

games been out for over 2 years and we still have people cheating in major tourneys and high rank lmfao

— TSMFTX ImperialHal (@ImperialHal) November 9, 2021

Others pointed to the issues with Strike Packs – an external add-on for controllers that helps reduce recoil and increases fire rates – being undetectable, meaning users can get away with using them.

Though, as noted, Respawn has tried to crack down on the cheating problem. Players that are reported to Hideouts – Respawn’s head of security – and are proven to be cheaters end up getting banned. Though, its clear players like Hal would like to see more done.
