While Call of Duty: Warzone has its share of problems, streamers are taking a moment to appreciate one seemingly minor buff that came with the Pacific update – dubbing the new Stim Shots the game’s greatest all-time addition.

In the Pacific Season 1 patch notes, Warzone’s devs at Raven Software revealed that Tactical Equipment would be receiving a number of changes on the new Caldera map. At the time, excitement about the Heartbeat Sensor nerfs overshadowed the Stim Shot buffs.

Now, though, the pendulum has swung toward serious appreciation for the Stims. The equipment now gives you a speed boost, which streamers have used for devastating plays and for a “Super Slide” movement mechanic.

Remarking on the equipment’s continued emergence, top players like IceManIsaac and JoeWo are not shying away from the praise. Instead, each have gone so far as to call the buffed Stims one of Warzone’s greatest changes.

Warzone’s buffed Stims: The best addition ever?

The Stim Buff may be the greatest addition to Warzone we’ve ever had.

— NRG JoeWo (@AverageJoeWo) January 8, 2022

JoeWo put it very simply, saying that the buffed Stims “may be the greatest addition to Warzone we’ve ever had.” And, coming from a player known as the “Movement King,” it’s clear why he appreciates their new mobility.

Fellow streamer IceManIsaac dove a little further into the equipment, breaking down precisely why their buff has been “one of the most refreshing changes in Warzone history.”

The Stim buff is one of the most refreshing changes in Warzone history. So many opportunities for finesse, outplay, and escape 🔥

I still wish stuns and flashes were nerfed harder, but goodbye heartbeat sensor meta!

— NRG Isaac (@IceManIsaac) December 30, 2021

As Isaac explains, the mobility-buffing Stims bring more “opportunities for finesse, outplay, and escape.” Top players are interested in items that increase the skill gap, so a versatile item improving speed most certainly fits the bill. 

Moving faster isn’t exactly something that campers will be able to take advantage of, after all.

Going further, Isaac still wants more nerfs to Stuns and Flashes – but he’s happy with the Stims and glad to see the nerfed Heartbeat Sensor out of rotation. It’s not clear that casual players are as content with the Stims as streamers are, so we’ll need to see if that appreciation trickles down.
